Okay, I have been woefully neglectful in updating this weblog. I just haven't had the time to do anything. So many wonderful, magical things have happened since April. If you look below you will note my last post about the Kentucky National Guard. I am still with my unit, but I am attached to the 238th OCS regiment for training. So this time next year I will no longer be an enlisted man, I will be an officer. I will need that extra money because I have another mouth to feed! Praise God! My wife gave birth to a beautiful 7 pound, 8 ounce baby girl named, Alexandra . I tell you what, there is no feeling in the world like watching your child come into the world. I thought to myself that it was so funny that I could love someone so much that I have only known for a few days. Renee is doing well, she is recovering very well and is going to take some much needed time off from work. The boys are fantastic. Robbie is playing soccer, and Devon is playing soccer and football. My...
A sporadic chronicle of the events that concern Kelly and the world around him.