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Showing posts from March, 2004
BET Member of the week... BET Member of the week is your's truly, Dkelsmith. Thank you...thank you....thank you..... I don't think I get anything cool like a free tee shirt, but the exposure is pretty cool. If I had been thinking I would have asked for a referral link to my weblog. I would like to be able to generate more traffic to my blog. Of course, I think that has a lot more to do with the fact that I don't post daily, and perhaps the subject matter I cover isn't really compelling. While I do like to touch on politics and the military, I like to focus a lot of attention on family life. Since I am not part of a dysfunctional family none of the interesting subjects like drug use, domestic violence, infidelity, or anything like that applies to me or any of my little family. Oh! speaking of family, my oldest son got All A's and B's for the third consecutive 9 weeks period, my younger son, got all S's and E's on his kindergarten report car...
John Kerry: Black like me? "President Clinton was often known as the first black President. I wouldn't be upset if I could earn the right to be the second."...[John F. Kerry] I was cruising some of my favorite blog reads and came across a spot on Oliver's site that talked about John Kerry and his mission to connect with all populations of U.S. Voters. In a quotation from USA today, it referenced that quote with this line.... "Kerry signaled his resolve to cement his support among blacks this week when he told a radio interviewer, "President Clinton was often known as the first black president. I wouldn't be upset if I could earn the right to be the second." I was mildly amused when I heard about Tony Morrison referencing Clinton in that way. Don't get me wrong, I liked Clinton despite the attention to his personal life and business dealings. However, I was taken aback by how the idea of him being a "Black President" ...
And then there was one... Despite remaining attuned to the decorum of the Democratic nominee process, John Kerry is the last man standing in the Democratic Selection Process. Sharpton and Kucinich have not called an official ent to their campaigns, Dean quit but his name is still on the ballot. If I was Kucinich I would be mortified that I was dead last, even if it even is a field of three.