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Showing posts from February, 2008
Catharsis..... Since I have been back I have found myself unable, or unwilling to post pictures of SW Baghdad on my blog. And, "No" nothing to do with the "cynical vet" mystique. In all actuality, it could be laziness, but I am not sure. I just found that I didn't have the enery to do so. Looking back, however, I realize that I just finished with the BEST and WORST job in the Army. I miss the guys so much... Now I have gone from Rifle Platoon Leader to OTI (For those of you who didn't know. There are two jobs in the Army.....Infantry, and Other Than Infantry. I was born signal...transferred to Infantry, and am now a Signal Company Commander. Until the next is the high point of my tour....when it was over, and I knew everyone was going home alive. Me, Stone (MY RTO), and SGT Bogonko (One of my Squad Leaders) Waiting on a flight home at Ali Al Salim Airbase.... SSG Gass (from 2nd Platoon), Doc Basham (My medic from 1st Platoon), and Me. Imme...