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Well, no call from Valvoline so I can only assume what that means for me....I suppose that I must languish at LRC for another indefinite period of time....oh well. Today is the Health and Welfare Christmas party that we will be having at a co-workers house....I baked some Yams last night as a contribution to the festivities....I still have a good deal of Christmas shopping to do for my family...and I have a few things that I still want to pick up for Renee and the boys. I am so excited about the holidays, I have a great many things that I want to do, and a great many places that I want to go. Moreover I am excited about the prospect of enjoying the holidays with my own "immediate" family. The more decorations that I see going up around the house the better that I feel about each and every coming day before Christmas. My posting in this weblog is sporadic to say the least, so if I don't post anything else in here have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
