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Showing posts from July, 2007
I'm jealous of stupid people.... I have lived my entire life with the burden of consequence and repercussion looming over my shoulder. Obviously as a child, these concepts came in the form of "Mom and Dad". There were so many things that I wanted to do that I never tried because of these parameters. There were some things that I tried and managed to keep from them in order to avoid the penalties that came from "Mom and Dad". Other times, these "book ends of severity" were right there when I stepped off of the trodden path and decided to go my own stupid, adolescent, irresponsible way. They quickly got me back on the straight and narrow. Now, as an adult, I may not always make the best decision, but I look at consequence and repercussion and I appropriately weigh their possibilities before making a decision. Since I have been here, I have had an epiphany, I realize that there are some people here who have NEVER been hampered by the confines of com...
35 is not 18...... Last night I was entering a compound with a couple of my squads and squad leaders. It was surrounded by about an eight foot wall. In order to breach it, I sent a dismount over with just a pistol to unlatch the gate from the inside. He climbed the wall, lowered himself down by his hands, and dropped. I climbed up on the wall to over watch for him. Once he was inside, he said, "Aw man, it's got a chain on it with a lock." About that time, several dogs started barking. My dismount turned around and pointed his pistol in their direction. In hopes of giving him more support, I jumped off the wall into the courtyard to provide more security. It sounded like a great idea in theory.....until I hit the ground. It was roughly an eight foot drop, and when I landed I was painfully aware of every joint in my body. A weird "ZING" went from my feet to the top of my head, and I crumpled over into a PLF to try and absorb some of the shock. My dismoun...
KELLY'S TOP 100 100 things about me. If they appear to be random and shifting, then you are 100 percent right. I actually wrote these out in my real journal over the course of about a month. I would think about something, and then I would jot them down....1, 2, 3, 7 at a time. So..enjoy if you aren't too bored. 1. My oldest sister used to call me her “chocolate Billy” when I was young. 2. My earliest memories are of Stuttgart, Germany. 3. My first dog’s name was Blacky, I got him in 1978 when I was in first grade. 4. He died in 1992 when I was 21 and stationed at Ft. Knox. 5. I cried for two days. 6. I think soccer is the world’s greatest sport. 7. My older sister Carolyn is the smartest person I know. 8. I love to play Jeopardy and I am good at it. 9. I have a crude working knowledge of Spanish. 10.I had my first girlfriend in 4th grade. 11. She could run faster than me. 12. From 1st through 6th grade I only liked my 3rd grade teacher Ms. Coffman, she was strict but fair. Fair...